The Input example was made to show off a extermly simple version of a text input. As it gathers the current key pressed with respect for modifiers like Shift or CTRL. For this example to work properly please focus onto the canvas.
use bottomless_pit::colour::Colour;
use bottomless_pit::engine_handle::{Engine, EngineBuilder};
use bottomless_pit::render::RenderHandle;
use bottomless_pit::text::TextMaterial;
use bottomless_pit::vec2;
use bottomless_pit::vectors::Vec2;
use bottomless_pit::Game;
fn main() {
let engine = EngineBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
let text_mat = TextMaterial::new("this is a test", Colour::RED, 20.0, 20.0 * 1.3);
let text_example = TextExample {
text: String::new(),
struct TextExample {
text_mat: TextMaterial,
text: String,
impl Game for TextExample {
fn render<'o>(&'o mut self, mut render: RenderHandle<'o>) {
let mut render_handle = render.begin_pass(Colour::BLACK);
.add_instance(vec2! { 0.0 }, Colour::WHITE, &render_handle);
self.text_mat.draw(&mut render_handle);
fn update(&mut self, engine_handle: &mut Engine) {
let text = engine_handle.get_current_text();
if let Some(s) = text {
.set_text(&self.text, Colour::RED, engine_handle)